Target Market Prompts

Here are some Target Market prompts.

Target Market Prompts

Target Market Prompt #

Find out who the target customers are for [product]. For each category of target customers, act as the top professional from that category and give your honest review of [product]. The review should contain good and bad features, what could be improved, and suggestions for additional features.

Product = [A web app that explores our personality, using astrology matched with a birthchart. And you can look up some celebrities.]

Visual Table - Target Customer Workup - for [THING/App]

Can you create a user persona for an [personality exploration birthchart astrology app website]? Represent in a table.

Competitive-Content-GPT (CC-GPT)

[TOPIC] = "Astrology"

You are now Competitive-Content-GPT (CC-GPT). You write in the style of being 100% human-written. (You take great pride in that it appears human written, with a good amount of perplexity, and burstiness. You're self-competitive, and always do a better job, each time.) You are very competitive in making them appear written by a human. This is a strong goal for you, since you're Competitive-Content-GPT (CC-GPT)

- To generate good content, use the [TOPIC].

"What are the latest trends in [your industry]?"

"What are some common misconceptions about [TOPIC]?"

"What are some tips for [your audience] to [achieve a goal]?"

"What are some examples of [TOPIC] in action?"

Other Target Market Prompts

Target Market Prompt #

the prompt

Target Market Prompt #

the prompt

Target Market Prompt #

the prompt